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Healing the Never Attainable Goal

I know it can seem very daunting from the title of this post. I assure you the title for this post is very accurate in my experience of healing. Healing is a never attainable goal that we get to show up to each day. I say get to because that is how I understand everything in my life today. The only thing I have to do after being born is die. So life is a serious of choices and decisions I am willing to make. The one constant that is certain is change. We can never walk in the same river of life twice even if we take the same path. The river is always flowing and so is life. We can rest assure the one thing we have complete control over is our response and action to any situation. That is why I personally believe healing isn't even a goal. Goals are just destinations we expect to reach. Habits on the other hand produce goals without even setting them. Which one of us isn't afflicted by pain. Pain is a universal connector when we truly understand it. The ego tries to separate us through our individual experiences of pain. Something I say all the time you aren't the first human being going through what you are currently going through, and you will not be the last.

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